Prof. Patrick Maluki is an experienced trainer and researcher in Diplomacy, International Conflict Management, International Negotiation, International Mediation, International Political economy, human rights and governance, and peace-building issues. He is currently a senior lecturer at the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi. Maluki was trained in advanced Mediation by ACCORD between 28 and 30 September 2010. He has a 18 year training experience in Diplomatic Negotiation and International Mediation at the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) and at the National Defence College (NDC).

Prof. Maluki is co-chair of Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN-Kenya) and the Chair of the Diplomacy Scholars Association of Kenya. He has carried out academic research and published extensively. In 2017 he carried out a study entitled Strengthening community’s resilience against radicalization and violent extremism in Kenya. In 2013, he researched the gender dimension of international terrorism and in 2012 where he conducted a baseline survey on the status of human rights in Kenya. In 2018 Prof. Maluki carried out a study on Governance and MDGs sponsored by Africa Development Bank and research on countering violent extremism in Kenyan Universities in collaboration with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). Currently, he is implementing sustainable development solutions in Kenya under the Sustainable Development Solutions Network- Kenya Chapter. 


  • PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Peace and Conflict Studies (20082013). Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
  • Master of Arts in International Studies (1994 – 1996). Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 
  • Bachelor of Education (Bed) (1987 – 1990). Moi University, Kenya
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication (2001-2002) University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Certificate in Senior Peace Support Management (2005) International Peace Support Training Centre Karen    


  • Chairman of the Department of Diplomacy and International Studies (UoN)
  • Served as the Secretary to the national Think Tank Group on the election of Amb. Amina Mohammed as Chair of the Africa Union-2016
  • Member of the National Committee on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law: Kenya Gazette Vol. CX-no.69 of 22/8/2008.
  • Chair, Sustainable Development Solutions Network-Kenya chapter
  • Chair, Diplomacy Scholars Association of Kenya (DIPSAK)
  • Team Leader, University of Nairobi research team on National Cohesion.


1. Senior Lecturer – Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (2004 – to date)

  • Units taught: Advanced Diplomacy: Theory, Method & Practice, International Political economy, International Conflict Management, Theory and practice of international Mediation, International Political system (PhD and Masters). Human rights and Governance, International relations of African States, International humanitarian law (B.A & PGD).
  • I have supervised to completion over 40 M.A and 3 PhD thesis
  • Examinations Coordinator:  Coordinating examinations process in the campus, Ensuring that all examinations are set and processed in time
  • Editor-in -Chief, Africa Journal of International Studies, ISSN: 2706-6851.
  • Associate Editor, Sustainable Development Goals Journal of Kenya, ISSN: 2790-7562
  • Associate Editor: IDIS Journal of Diplomacy and International Studies, ISSN: 2015-024X
  • Member of the Editorial Board- Journal of Sustainability, Environment and Peace ISSN: 2663-4627
  • Senior Research Fellow- Africa Policy Institute
  • External examiner- Africa Nazarene University
  • External examiner- St. Paul University
  • External examiner- Pioneer International University
  • Visiting lecturer:  National Defence College: Theory and practice of International Mediation, Diplomacy of conflict management and International Relations of African states.

2. June 2003-May 2004: Assistant to Director for Political Affairs – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Responsibilities:  Administrative duties, organizing workshops and seminars on topical issues, preparing
  • reports for PS and minister to be delivered in official functions,
  • Editing Foreign Affairs bulletin- A Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  • Member of the Strategic Planning for the ministry.

3.1997-2003: Senior Lecturer – Kenya Institute of Mass Communication

  • Responsibilities: Administrative duties, admission of students and recruitment of part-time lecturers, budgeting and financing for Postgraduate Department. Head of Postgraduate Department, trainer in Human Rights Journalism, News Writing and Media Law and Ethics. Edited and published The Fourth Estate, Organized field trips for students and prepared the strategic plan for the Institution.

4. March 2001-Jan 2002: Program Assistant-Human Rights advocacy Programme, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (India)

Responsibilities: Research, writing and production of Human Rights Advocacy materials, maintenance of regular program documentation, field visits to gather research  and network and conducting training sessions on human rights advocacy using participatory training methodology.


  1. Intergovernmental Authority on Development: Facilitation of an international workshop on the development of Curriculum implementation strategy (IGAD-IFSI 12-19 June 2023). 

2. Intergovernmental Authority on Development: Provision of Expertise for Executive Training in Leadership and diplomatic skills (Crisis management) -IGAD IFSI. (7th -9th December 2021) Contact: Mohamed Abdoulkader Moussa-Director:

3. Intergovernmental Authority on Development Mediation Support unit Uganda National Dialogue Processes, Mediation and Dialogue Workshop and High Level Experience Sharing  Consultations (27th -30th October 2021)

4. Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Mediation Support Unit (MSU): Training on Engaging the Juba Peace Accord Negotiators: SLA and SPLM-N (March 26-28, 2021).

5. Africa Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD:  Knowledge Session on Mediation and Negotiation Skills for Student Leaders (15 April 2021).

6. Parliamentary Service Commission:

  • Developed curriculum and facilitated training on Parliamentary diplomacy for Centre for Parliamentary Training and Studies (Feb.2021).
  • Developed curriculum and facilitated training on Diplomatic Etiquette, Protocol & Image Management for Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations (Oct.2018)
  • Developed curriculum and facilitated training on Etiquette, Protocol & Image Management for Meru County Assembly Members (2nd October, 2017).
  • Developed curriculum and facilitated training on Etiquette, Protocol & Image Management for Kajiando County Assembly Members (14th October, 2017).

7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Chief Rapporteur: Seminars On Global Political Trends and Implications for Peace and Security in Africa & Seminar on the Changing Face of Terrorism: Practical Responses held at White Sands Hotel 19th January and 19 February, 2020
  • 2014 Designed a curriculum and facilitated training on Peace building and Conflict Management for the Foreign Service Institute
  • June 2015. Developed a curriculum and facilitated training on Trade and Investment Negotiations for officers in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade-Mombasa.
  • Jan 2015 Developed a curriculum and facilitated training on Negotiation and Mediation skills for officers in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade-Naivasha
  • 2014 Designed a curriculum and facilitated training on Peace building and Conflict Management for the Foreign Service Institute
  • 14th March 2018 facilitated a training on dialogue, negotiation and mediation at the International Peace Support Training Centre in Nairobi-Kenya

8. International Peace Support Training Centre (Karen).

  • 14th March 2018 facilitated a training on dialogue, negotiation and mediation at the International Peace Support Training Centre in Nairobi-Kenya
  • 9th to 18th March 2018 facilitated international training on integrated maritime security course at International Peace Support Training Centre in Nairobi-Kenya
  • Nov-Dec 2017: Review of Occasional Paper Series no.1. An assessment of Maritime Insecurity in the Kenyan Maritime Domain. International Peace Support Training Centre-Karen.
  • September 15-22, 2008: Evolution of Peace Support Operations.

9. Africa Development Bank:

  • Carried out a study on the Role of Governance in the Delivery of MDGs in Kenya (14th Dec. 2018-Oct 2019).

10. Kenya School of Government

  • Design and delivery of Negotiation and Mediation skills training for conflict transformation for District officers (2007–2010).

11. National Intelligence Service College at Ruaraka

  • Facilitated training on Hostage Taking, Evacuation negotiation skills and Techniques (24th April, 2018).

12. United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

  • Served as a consultant/Researcher in a multi-sectoral study on Strengthening Community Resilience against Radicalization and Violent Extremism conducted jointly by University of Nairobi and Africa Policy Institute (January-July 2017).
  • Associate Researcher on a baseline survey on the status of human rights in Kenya, with the support of UNDP/Royal Norwegian Embassy (2012).

 13. The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

  • Lead researcher on the nature of recruitment and radicalization patterns within selected Kenyan Universities (June 2018 to December 2019).

14. America Friends Service Committee.

  • Developed a Peacebuilding Strategy for intervening in Burundi (April 2017).

 15. Heinrich Boll Stiftung

  • Research Associate on Gender Dimensions of international Terrorism project organized by Women’s Leadership and Public policy Centre.

16. America Friends Service Committee

  • AFSC SOMALI PROGRAM: Desk Research on the Implications and Effects of the Use of Lethal Drones in Somalia by the United States Government.
  • RTI International: Consultancy Services on the Development of a Marketing Strategy and Plan for Kitui County Mango and Mango value added products (July 2021).


  • Patrick Maluki & Rebecca Ndeto (2023). Nairobi City as a Diplomacy Hub for Africa: Prospects and Preparedness for Hosting Sister-Cities International Conference, 2025. Cities: The international Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, ISSN 0264-2751 (Paper Accepted).
  • Patrick Maluki & Fridah Njoki (2023). The Public and Private sector governance in the attainment of SDGs in Kenya, IDIS Journal of Diplomacy and International Studies VOL 2 NO.1 PP 1-25 (Paper accepted).
  • Patrick Maluki, Rosemary Anyona & Gideon Kimaiyo (2022). China’s Image Cultivation through Cultural Diplomacy: An Assessment of the Impact of the Confucius Institutes on Kenyan Publics’ Perception of China International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS). ISSN: 2454-6186.
  • Isaac Ombara, Maria Nzomo & Patrick Maluki (2022). Cross Border Natural Resource Management and Implications on Security: How Current State and Frameworks Influence Sustainable Peace in Eastern Africa Region. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(9), 76 – 92.  ISSN 2523-6725 (online) September 2022.
  • Titus Kivaa &Patrick Maluki (2021). Role of Universities in the Achievement of SDGs in Kenya: Education, Research and Publication, Operations and Community Leadership. Africa Habitat Review Journal (Special Issues 33-42). ISSN: 2524-1354 (online)
  • Nzomo Maria & Patrick Maluki (2021). India –Africa Political Relations: Issues and Perspectives on Global political Dialogue, Democracy and Governance. The Africa Review (1-15). ISSN-0974-4061.
  • Isaac Ombara, Maria Nzomo & Patrick Maluki (2020). Cross Border Natural Resource Management in Kenya: How Role and Responsibilities of Actors Influence Sustainable Peace in Eastern Africa Region. European Journal of Conflict Management ISSN 2520-4697 (Online) Vol.1, Issue 1, pp 1- 22.
  • Gideon Kimaiyi, Patrick Maluki, & Rose Anyona (2023). China’s Educational Diplomacy: Gauging the Influence of China’s Educational Exchanges and Scholarship Programs on Kenyan Students’ Perception of China, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), ISSN: 2454-6186.
  • Patrick Maluki (2021). Financing economic growth: The banking sector and its contribution to microeconomic stability in Kenya. NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies (CAS).
  • Patrick Maluki (2021). Kenya emerges as a formidable financial centre of Africa: What makes Nairobi the most vibrant capital market in East Africa and how can foreign investors participate in it? NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies (CAS).
  • Patrick Maluki & Mwangangi Njagi (2020). Integrating digital media as a diplomacy tool in advancing Kenya’s national interests. Africa Portal:
  • Ibrahim Roba & Patrick Maluki (2020). The role of digital diplomacy in state recognition in Africa. Africa Portal:
  • Julia Waweru & Patrick Maluki (2020). The role of Kenya’s Diplomatic Missions in Economic Development: Case study of Uganda. Africa Journal of International Studies, Vol.1 Issue 1, pp.65-80, ISSN: 2706-6851.
  • Jacklyne Aput & Patrick Maluki (2020). Analysis of Kenya’s Public Diplomacy after the 2010 Promulgation of the new Constitution. Africa Journal of International Studies, Vol.1 Issue 1, pp.1-8, ISSN: 2706-6851.
  • Prof. Maria Nzomo & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2020). Parliamentary oversight and fight against corruption in Kenya (forth coming)
  • Dr. Patrick Maluki & Lemmy Nyongesa (2019). China’s Development in the Horn of Africa and the Debt Trap Diplomacy, The Horn Bulletin. Vol.II, Issue 1. Jan-Feb 2019 pp 9-17
  • Dr. Patrick Maluki (2019). Kenya security forces did better this time. But there are gaps. The Conversation ( ISSN 2201-5639.
  • Dr. Patrick Maluki (2018). Learning from country best practices in Africa: In search of a grand counter terrorism strategy, IDIS Journal of International Studies and Diplomacy vol.1. No.1 ISS N 2015-024X pp: 46-65.
  • Edward Waithaka & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2016). Emerging dimensions of Geopolitics of the Horn of Africa, International Journal of Science Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 4 Pp: 1-17
  • Edward Waithaka & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2018), Collaborative Management of Shared Resources and Enhancement of Inter-State Relations: The Case of Ilemi Triangle in the Horn of Africa, International Journal of Creative Research and Studies, vol.2, issue3 March 2018, pp:55-68
  • Prof. Maria Nzomo & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2018). Role Of Academic Institutions in Strengthening Parliaments: The Case Of Diplomacy, Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training. Chapter 5. Pp150-161.
  • Samuel Kitilewa & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2017). Actors in Managing Human Wildlife Conflict: The case of Arabukosokoke Forest, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Arts and Humanities, vol.1, issue2 pp:37-50
  • Samuel Kitilewa & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2017). Root causes of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods: The case of Arabukosokoke Forest, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Arts and Humanities, vol.1, issue2 pp:325-36
  • Dr. Patrick Maluki et al, (2016). Radicalization and Militarization of Refugees as a challenge to international Security. Journal of Science, Technology, Education & Management (J-STEM) Vol.7 Nos.1&2 Sept 2016 pp: 153-167.
  • Jane Waithaka & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2016). International Education Exchanges as a Diplomacy Instrument. International Journal of Science Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 3 May-2016 pp:1-8
  • Dr. Patrick Maluki (2015). Why the world can’t stand by as Burundi becomes a failed state (the ISSN 2201-5639.
  • Dr. Patrick Maluki (2014). Arms Proliferation, Disarmament and Human Security in the Horn of Africa. Journal of Science, Technology, Education & Management (J-STEM) Vol.6. No.1 and 2 2014 pp:161-178.
  • Patrick Maluki & Michael Majok Ayom, (2011). ‘The challenge of reconciliation in post-conflict Sudan’. Journal of Science Technology Education and Management (J-STEM) Vol.3 No.1&2, PP.195-197, ISSN 1991-2889.
  •  Patrick Maluki (2011), Book review; Peace and Conflict Studies in a global context by P.G Okoth. Journal of Science Technology Education and Management (J-STEM) Vol.3 No.1&2, PP.195-197, ISSN 1991-2889

Book Chapters

  • Patrick Maluki, (2018). The Intergovernmental Authority on Development and Conflict Mediation in Sudan and South Sudan in Okoth, P.G.,Matanga F.K&K.Okware (eds),Peace Security &Development in the 21st Century Africa: Theory &Practice, Nrb:CUEAPress,Chapter 22, pp.487-512. ISBN: 9-789966 715920
  • Patrick Maluki (2018). “The Implications of Al shabaab and Small Arms and Light Weapons in Security of Horn of Africa: A Focus on Kenya”. In Vidya Jain and Matt Meyer (eds) Satyagraha / Ujamaa: Connecting Contemporary African-Asian Peacemaking and Nonviolence.Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Chapter 4.pp 44-60.
  • Patrick Maluki & Rashid Self (2018), Using Soft Power to Counter Violent Extremism among the Youth in Kenya, in Mustafa Yussuf Ali et al (eds), the Changing dynamics of Terrorism and Violent Extremism: An analysis, Horn Institute for Strategic Studies, Horn International Institute for Strategic Studies, Chapter 5, pp115-142.ISBN:978-9966-1962-2-4
  • Erik  Persons and Dr. Patrick Maluki (2017) ‘Building trust in post-conflict societies: the human rights and peace building lessons learned in Mt. Elgon region in Kenya, in Bard A Andreassen, JB Ndovu and Tiberius Barasa (eds), Poverty and Human Rights: East Africa Experience, Focus Publishers.pp.124-138.
  • Maluki, P. M & Irene Limo (2013). ‘Piracy as a threat to Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean’, in Makumi Mwangiru and Aparajia Biswas (eds) East Africa-India Security Relations, Nairobi: IDIS/PRIASA. Pp. 111-122.


  • Patrick Maluki (2014). Peace Building Strategies and Sustainable Peace in Rwanda and Burundi, Heinrich-Bocking: Scholars Press, 170 pages.
  • Maluki. P (2011). Regionalism in the Indian Ocean: Order, Cooperation and Community, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, German ISBN-10: 3639345517.
  • Maluki P.M& David Okweba (2012), Combating new Piracy in the Indian Ocean, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, German
  • Maluki P.M & Jane Ndiritu (2011), Role of Parliament in Peacebuilding, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, German ISNB 978-3-639-36651-8
  • Maluki P.M & Nelly Muluka (2011), Communication Strategies in Disaster Management, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, German ISBN 978-3-639358575


  • Patrick Maluki (2021). Mediation and Negotiation Skills for Student Leaders, a paper presented at the virtual seminar on Knowledge session on Mediation and Negotiation skills by ACCORD (15 April 2021).
  • Patrick Maluki (2021). Breaking Deadlocks in Mediation and Negotiations, a paper presented at the IGAD Mediation and Negotiation Workshop on the Engagement of the Sudanese Peace Process Negotiators of the Hold-Out Groups & SPLM-N, Nairobi, Kenya (26-28 March 2021).
  • Patrick Maluki (2021). Indentifying Needs in Negotiations,a paper presented at the IGAD Mediation and Negotiation Workshop on the Engagement of the Sudanese Peace Process Negotiators of the Hold-Out Groups & SPLM-N, Nairobi, Kenya (26-28 March 2021).
  • Patrick Maluki (February, 2021). Parliamentary Diplomacy, a paper presented at a seminar organized by the Senate Committee on Security and Foreign Relations in Mombasa.
  • Prof. Maria Nzomo & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2018), RTIs and Sustainable Development Goals: The role of Diplomacy in promoting regional Cooperation. Paper presented at the Third Annual Symposium on Parliamentary Training Institutes 9-11 May 2018 Nakuru-Kenya
  • Prof. Maria Nzomo & Dr. Patrick Maluki (2018). India-Africa Political Relations: Issues and Perspectives on Global Political dialogue, Democracy and Good Governance. Presented at the Second ICWA India-Africa Conference under IAFS-III18-19 January 2018, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
  • Patrick Maluki & Rashid Seif (2018). Use of Soft Power in Countering Youth Violent Extremism in Kenya. Paper presented at the International Conference on Terrorism and Violent Extremism 24-26 April 2018, The Horn Institute for Strategic Studies, Windsor hotel.
  • Patrick Maluki (2017). Role of IGAD in Conflict Mediation in the Horn of Africa, presented at the Shanghai Institutes of International Studies-China.
  • Prof. Maria Nzomo and Patrick Maluki (2017). Role of Academic Institutions in Strengthening Parliaments: The Case of Diplomacy Training. Presented at the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training, the White Sands Hotel Mombasa.
  • September 2015 Kenya’s diplomatic engagement with the ICC. Paper presented at the academic dialogue seminar held at Strathmore University
  • July 2014, Learning from country best practices in Africa: In search of a grand counter terrorism strategy Paper presented at the International counter terrorism symposium at the University of Nairobi
  • April 2014 The Art of Negotiation, a paper presented at the WHA preparatory seminar held in Harare Zimbabwe
  • Feb 2013: Content and substance of global health diplomacy: Lilongwe Malawi
  • July 2012: Foreign Policy formulation, implementation and decision making Crowne Plaza (Nairobi)
  • April 2012: The political Economy of  a Diplomatic Mission, paper presented at an Induction course for diplomats organized by the Foreign Service Institute
  • Diplomacy and conflict resolution, paper presented on an induction course for heads of missions from South Sudan on 1/2/2012 Mombasa Continental Resort
  • March 17th 2011: Key lessons for successful global health negotiations, paper presented at the Strategic Leadership Course in Global Health Diplomacy in East, Central and Southern Africa 2011-Kenya
  •  February 3.2011: Media and Diplomacy Paper Presented at the Foreign Service Institute Nairobi.
  •  January 7.2011: Intercultural communication and Diplomacy Paper Presented at the Foreign Service Institute Nairobi.
  •  June 18, 2010: Public Diplomacy: Role of the Media Paper Presented at the Foreign Service Institute Nairobi.
  •  June 15 2010: Conflict Mapping, A discussion Paper Presented at The Kenya Education Staff  Institute (KESI)
  •  June 15, 2010: Conflict Analysis: Discussion Paper Presented at the Kenya Education Staff Institute (KESI), Nairobi.
  •  June 8 2010: Asymmetrical Armed Conflict:  A case study of Israel Vs Hezbollah 2006 conflict. Paper presented at the ICRC Round Table Discussion, Nairobi.
  •  Jan. 2010: The African Union: Trade versus Aid: Paper presented to Lutheran Pacific University students. Kampala, Uganda.
  •  2009: Strategies in security sector reform in Kenya: Paper presented at a workshop on security sector reforms organized by International Centre on Transitional Justice
  •  2009: Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy: Paper presented at the Foreign Service institute KIA, Nairobi 2nd September 2009.
  •  2009: Diplomatic styles and Methods, Paper presented at a diplomatic training for public and private sector official in Kenya: Hotel Intercontinental, Nairobi, 13th May 2009.
  •  2009: Effective Communication: Media and Governance, Paper presented at the Foreign Service Institute, KIA, Nairobi, 30th April 2009.
  •  2008: Conflict and Conflict resolution in Africa, paper presented at the 6th East Africa Media Training workshop, Bagamoyo Tanzania 25 to 29 March 2008
  •  2008: Bilateral and Multilateral Negotiations, Paper presented at Kenya Institute of Administration-Nairobi 12th March 2008
  •  2007: Working with the Media. Paper presented at the Foreign Service Institute (Kenya Institute of Administration) 13th July 2007, Nairobi Kenya
  •  2006: African approaches to building peace and social solidarity: Paper presented at Peace Units Program workshop on the Role of Administrators and Religious Leaders in Building a Culture of Peace 18- 21 July 2006, Nairobi- Kenya
  •  2005: Post Conflict Reconstruction: an analysis of Humanitarian Issues of concern during peace building processes. Paper presented at the All Africa Advanced Course on International Humanitarian Law held at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, 5th – 10th November 2006.
  •  2008:  The Role of Communication in African Integration: Case Study of the African Union Commission (research work with Desmond T. Orjiako).
  •   2004: Editor – Foreign Affairs Bulletin – Published by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (published)
  •  2003: Consultant Editor: Fourth Estate, a training journal for the KIMC Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication (Published)
  •  2001: Lead-author of Human rights Advocacy Manual for the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI).
  •  2000: Assistant Editor, HAKI ZETU, a quarterly publication of the Standing Committee on Human Rights (Kenya) (Published)
  •  2000: Political advertisement through the Print Media: a case study of the 1992 and 1997 General Elections in Kenya.  This was my research paper for the postgraduate diploma in Mass Communication at the school of Journalism, University of Nairobi (unpublished)


  • Prof. Maria Nzomo, Department of Diplomacy and International Studies. Email:, Phone: 0716 602 306.    
  • Professor Peter Kagwanja. Director Africa Policy Institute, Email: Cell phone: 0734296664
  • Prof. Ludeki Chweya, Director General, Kenya School of Government: Phone: 0702 168 290.