Curla - For Prosperous People & Territories

The overall objective of CURLA is to promote synergetic and symbiotic URL approach in anchoring and deepening economically productive, socially inclusive, environmentally sensitive and spatially efficient sustainable development in the Africa region. Enabling policies, strategies, legislation, planning and good governance, as well as environmental care for integrated urban and territorial (rural) development which will provide the framework for realizing the objective.

Conduct research

Conduct research

Conduct research and disseminate information on URL informed sustainable development and related matters.

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Capacity Building

Capacity Building

Build the capacity of the policy makers, planners and development managers in URL applications and awareness in communities.

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Policy Debate

Policy Debate

Promote policy debate and dialogue among policy makers and planners to advance URL in sustainable development.

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Mentoring Youth

Mentoring Youth

Mentor youth and future leaders in URL practices for sustainable development, bridging urban/rural planning and other disciplines.

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For Prosperous People & Territories