Founding Director of the Centre for Urban-Rural Linkages in Africa (CURLA) and Associate Professor of Planning, University of Nairobi. He is widely published in theory, methodology and practice of planning. Levels of Organization and Tracks of Planning Methodology (2007)”, “Proposing a Conceptual Model of Planning Methodology in Public Domain” (2020), and the co-authored “Value Chain[…..]
Prof. Isaac Karanja of CURLA-University of Nairobi showcasing CURLA’s trailblazing initiatives toHon. Eliud Owalo, CS for ICT and Digital Economy, Ms. Kabale Tache, CEO of the National Land Commission, and Hon. Esther Murugi. CURLA is exhibiting at the 3rd Regional Research Conference, a collaborative effort between the National Land Commission, National Research Fund, University of[…..]